Rabu, 28 Juni 2017

Ebook Télécharger JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky

Ebook Télécharger JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky

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JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky

JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky

JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky

Ebook Télécharger JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky

JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, By Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky comme une excellente publication agir non seulement le produit d'analyse, mais en plus mon pote pour tout type de problème. Une petite erreur que certaines personnes pourraient en général ne tiennent pas compte de la lecture est comme une tâche paresseux pour aller jusqu'au bout. Alors que si vous connaissez les avantages ainsi que les développements de la lecture, vous serez certainement pas sous-estimer plus. Mais, il y a encore des gens qui se sentent si et qu'ils sentent qu'ils ne ont pas besoin d'analyse dans la célébration spécifique.

Quand il a besoin des considérations de choisir ce livre à lire dans la description du problème majeur que vous avez actuellement, vous devez essayer avec ce livre. JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, By Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky, cependant, finit par être un livre étendu n'indique pas que cette publication est à peine avec attention. Vous pouvez transformer votre esprit approché la meilleure publication très comprendra certainement l'une des langues les plus difficiles, ainsi que des mots pour comprendre. Cette affaire sera bien sûr faire un non-sens pour certaines personnes.

Néanmoins, la présence de ce livre guérit vraiment que vous devez modifier cet esprit. Tous les livres idéaux font usage de l'impact difficile à prendre. , Vous devez donc être donc plus efficace pour surmonter la présence du livre pour obtenir les meilleurs. Ce terme se rapporte au contenu de ce livre. Même il est livré avec le sujet le plus préféré parler; l'existence de la langue et les mots qui sont mélangés avec l'histoire de l'écrivain va vraiment venir correctement

Alors maintenant, tout ce qui est plus vous passer par cette publication? Procurez-vous JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, By Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky le plus tôt possible pour mener votre pensée à créer toujours. Lorsque vous faites petite façon de penser à considérer la publication difficile à examiner, vous ferez certainement pas tout type d'amélioration. En plus de voir exactement ce que vous obtiendrez, désolé pour sera constamment venir derrière. Alors, avez-vous l'intention de devenir l'un d'entre eux? Bien sûr que non! Vérification et aussi l'examen de devenir l'une des sélections que vous pouvez essayer de surmonter les problèmes.

JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 450 pages

Editeur : WROX Press Ltd; Édition : 01 (6 novembre 1998)

Collection : Programmer to programmer

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 1861001894

ISBN-13: 978-1861001894

Dimensions du produit:

19 x 3,2 x 24,1 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

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Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

2.513.294 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

Your code can benefit from object-oriented programming even if your language doesn't support it directly. Javascript provides more support for O-O programming than (say) C, although much less than Java.JSO shows you how to write client-side applications in object-oriented Javascript. It leads you through useful examples using the technique, demonstrating that you can do many sophisticated and useful things with this 'scripting' language.For very experienced programmers, this will at times be a slow, but most developers will benefit from the close attention to the code.JSO doubles as a concise introduction and reference to Javascript, covering it better in 80 pages than those bricks in the bookstore do in 1200.The strength of this book is also its weakness. Since it focusses on client-side functionality, its example of client/server Web programming is unrealistically tilted towards providing all functionality on the client. But, given the current state of the art, I can't think of a better way of doing this without spending too much time on server-side issues. Along the same lines, the current incompatibilities among implementations force it to be browser-specific (Internet Explorer).Overall, this is probably the best book on client-side Javascript programming -- as long as you don't care about cross-browser compatibility.

I have worked with javascript for some time and wanted to learn to create javascript objects and impliment them into my code. I thought that this would be the perfect book for my needs but I have never been so wrong. The book could be called "creating data structures using javascript" because it jumps right into complex examples of creating data structures with very little explanation of what is happing from a language prospective. I did get far enouph to write some BAD object code and post it out to a news group who got me on the right track. THIS IS NOT THE BOOK FOR YOU IF YOU ARE TRYING TO LEARN JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS FOR THE FIRST TIME. It is now in my trash basket.

The main point that the authors attempt to make is that JavaScript can be a powerful and flexible object-oriented programming language. This book is better suited for the classroom than for real-world web development. Out of its 450+ pages, a single 30-page chapter deals with JavaScript in the browser.Since I have several years of C/C++ experience, I bought this book primarily for the object reference table in the appendix. As I began writing real JavaScript applications, however, it became clear that this book was more of a hinderance than a help -- that even the object reference was a watered down version of the Netscape documentation. For instance, the book makes no distinction between read/write and read-only properties. The programmer is left guessing whether his program is failing or the property is not writable.I found that "JavaScript - The Definitive Guide" by O'Reilly & Associates (ISBN 1-56592-392-8) covers browser objects much more thoroughy.

Not up to par with the normal writings of Wrox Press. This book talks a lot and gives ideas but fails to properly explain the code or the objects. Chapter 6 is an introduction and discussion on a database application but fails to be anything other than an expanded users guide for the app. More time could have been spent explaining how the object structure in the applications is being used. In my opinion the title miss leads you into something that the book really is not. It should be called "Ideas for what to do with JavaScript".

I had hoped to learn how to jazz up my Domino Web-pages from a JavaScript book. When I got it home, I found something completely different inside.This is a book about how to implement serious data handling with a serious object oriented programming language.The authors cover all the basic JavaScript language and browser connections in the first 75 pages. They leave out a lot of glitzy tricks that you really need, but you can get those off any web-based tutorial after you really understand the language.Once they leave the basics, they cover genuine oo programming in a serious and educational way. They explain what they are doing, and they explain *WHY* brilliantly. It is an excellently written book and a lot of fun to read.If you are hoping to create a snazzy web-site without much work, you will find this book frustrating. If you want to understand JavaScript to the bone, and learn how to extend it as far as the eye can see, you WILL be able to outdo all the snazzy web-sites when you are done.The book is incredible.

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JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky PDF

JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky PDF

JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky PDF
JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS, by Tom Myers Alexander Nakhimovsky PDF

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